Four Disney Parks in One Day

How Hard Is It To Visit All Four Disney Parks In One Day?

Cash and I recently went on a quest to find out how difficult (and exhausting) it is to hit all four Disney World theme parks in one day. My biggest concern was that since the park reservation systems were implemented, you cannot park hop until after 2 pm. So getting an early start doesn’t help you out effectively; you have to hit at least three parks after 2 pm.

It turns out it wasn’t difficult at all!

Here are some tips if you’d like to visit all four parks in one day:

Drive yourself.

You only have to pay for parking once, so that’s not a concern. We liked a few things about having our car with us. We weren’t dependent on Disney transportation and possible delays. We also didn’t have to carry all our stuff with us all day. For instance, it wasn’t scheduled to rain until later, so the ponchos stayed in the car until we hit Magic Kingdom in the evening.

Bring an ice chest.

This isn’t necessary, but it saved us time and money. I packed Publix subs, chips, drinks, and other snacks in the car. We could have a refreshing drink and food as I drove between parks or in the parking lot before heading into a new place.

Pay attention to park hours.

You don’t want to plan your whole day and discover that Magic Kingdom is closing early for a Christmas party. I like to do Animal Kingdom earlier because it usually closes first. Just keep an eye on the hours and plan accordingly.

Don’t try and do everything.

We set a goal to do one ride or attraction and maybe have a snack at each park. Hollywood Studios was so packed, and we hit it at the worst time of day, so for that park, we had a drink and went to the Indiana Stunt Spectacular show. At Magic, we had more time to wander around, and it was less busy since it started raining, and we closed the place down. This isn’t the day to try and get many things marked off your list. Hitting four parks IS your list!

Be aware of opportunities.

For example, we went during the last days of the 50th-anniversary celebration, and I realized we hadn’t marked off all of the golden statues in the Play Disney app. So I made that our mission: to get every statue in one day. We ended the day soaking wet and exhausted, trying to get the last few long after we would usually have gone home, and it was SO fun.

How Tiring Is It To Hit All Four Disney Parks In One Day?

It was pretty exhausting. By park three (Animal Kingdom) Cash was feeling very tired. However, it’s also super exhilarating, and what got me through it all was the fact that I’d had it on my bucket list for a while and I knew it was something I wanted to accomplish. Cash did it for me (sweet) and he also got into the golden statue scavenger hunt at the end. Once you have a mission, it’s a lot easier to ignore your aching feet. That gets you through walking 23,778 steps in one day.

I made a video of the day and posted it on my YouTube channel if you’d like to watch our adventures for yourself!


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