Weird Games We Play at Disney

Okay, confession time. When you’ve been to the parks as often as Cash and I have, and you have an older kid, sometimes you make up weird games or challenges to mix things up. Not one of these has come about because I was like “Let’s make up a game,” and actually I’d consider them more inside jokes than official games. All of them have been made up on the spot by me or Cash for some reason, and then they live on.

Please don’t judge us (fine, you can if you want), but do be inspired to make up your own ridiculous unique-to-your-family theme park games. It makes the day so much more fun.

Hidden Mickey Punch Buggy

Punch Buggy. Slug Bug. Whatever your family calls it, chances are you played the game where you get to punch everyone in the car if you see a VW Beetle. Well, when Cash and I first started going to Disney, we did this only with hidden Mickeys. This game has since been retired, because I got tired of being punched 400 times a day, and sometimes Cash’s interpretation of a “hidden” Mickey was very loose. But we do still hunt for hidden Mickeys everywhere we go!

Count The Crying Babies

I know, I know. But…guys. You’re in hot Florida; all the kids have missed their naps. The parents paid good money for this family vacation and they are going to make sure you do EVERYTHING, dang it. Everything is loud and exciting, and melt downs happen. They just do. Usually around 3 pm and park closing. Instead of being annoyed by the small babes wailing their lungs out around us, we decided to make a sick game out of it and count them instead. Lol. Sorry, not sorry?

Dodge The Bullets…I Mean Bubbles

A phenomenon has hit the park in recent years in the form of a wand that shoots continual bubbles. I swear every child under the age of 10 has one and gleefully shoots them at you from their strollers. It’s very cute, and I’m very pro-bubble, but it did spur on a game. A challenge of sorts, where Cash and I have a competition to see who can go the longest without getting hit by a bubble. It has caused us to do some very ridiculous weaves and swerves when walking through crowds. I’m usually out 4 minutes after we make it in the gate, but we have a blast.

That’s it so far, but I’m sure we’ll be adding to it as inspiration strikes. I hope you also have a magical trip to Disney, no matter how weird your family is. Don’t forget, if you need help, I can help you plan your next vacation. Email me at, and we’ll chat.


Every Ride at Disney World, Rated by Thrill Level


A Guide to Wands at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (Universal Studios)